Future of Brand Marketing

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How Mobile Video Can Drive the Future of Brand Marketing

Mobile is a small but mighty screen when it comes to grabbing millennial s' attention. New research by Google and Ipsos shows that the small screen has the potential to drive big impact: On a typical day, for those 18- to 34-year-old who own a smartphone, the smartphone reaches them more than any other device. Moreover, viewing video on smartphones is far less distracted than it is on TV. Based on the findings, there are two ways that online video may create new opportunities on mobile for brand marketing. First, think multi-screen, build for mobile. Second, create in-the-moment experiences with mobile.
                    Of all minutes watched on YouTube, 40% is on smartphones,* which presents an opportunity for brand marketers. Yet understandably, since smartphone screens have shrunk advertising space to the size of a playing card, the effectiveness of mobile in holding consumers' attention and driving impact has been questioned. So how do you build a successful mobile campaign to drive results?
To answer this question, Google and Ipsos researched 1,519 smartphone owners aged 18- to 34-years-old who were asked to keep a detailed diary of all of their online and offline video interactions for a day. To get a representative snapshot, participants were spaced across weekends and weekdays. The research required respondents to use a mobile app; hence the results are limited to millennials who own a smartphone—81% of individuals age 18 to 34 own a smartphone, according to MRI. The results show that when millennials watch video on smartphones, they are far less distracted than when watching video on any other screen, including TV.
More attention given to video on mobile
                              Smartphones are the #1 device to reach millennials. In a typical day, 98% of 18- to 34-year-olds reported using smartphones to watch video content in the research—that's higher than the reach of any other device among smartphone-owning millennials.



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