Focus On Unique Content

by 4:36 AM 0 comments
As we know the Panda update is aimed to bring the judgment to the content farm and those sites which steal and duplicate, that means in order to prevent Panda from blacklisting you, you have to stop stealing other’s articles, and really focus on creating unique content.

Try to look at your place in your industry and say to yourself:
  • “What is the topic that my readers will be interested about?”
  • “What do I offer to my readers that are unique? What about my content is just here and nowhere else?”
Don’t copy or retype out the article from other site, but craft your article out with your own topic and opinion. Details? Check out our post on how to run blogs that inspire.
That sounds pretty much like old school SEO practice, you might ask? The answer is yes, but now it’s the most important SEO practice!



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